The Snake Oil Salesman

In Luther Grim, Promo by Luther Grim

Once upon a time, there had lived a man named Jack. Jack was a snake oil salesman, a crafty man who had a way with words. He had a smooth and persuasive voice that could convince anyone to buy his products. Jack would travel from town to town selling his wares, which he claimed could cure all sorts of ailments.

One day, Jack arrived in a small town with a cart full of tonics and elixirs. He set up shop in the town square and began to peddle his wares. The townspeople were skeptical at first, but Jack was a master at his craft. He would tell stories of people who had been cured of all sorts of illnesses and injuries by using his products. He would use fancy words and scientific-sounding explanations to make his products seem legitimate.

Before long, Jack had convinced many of the townspeople to buy his products. They would line up outside his cart, eager to try his tonics and elixirs. Jack was making a fortune, and he knew it.

You have proven yourself to be an accomplished salesman, Kpavio. In fact, you were as cunning and as guileful as any salesman that had ever lived. You’ve gone from place to place, selling your products to whoever was willing to buy them. And you have always found great success doing so. There wasn’t a single product you weren’t able to sell. 

You arrived in Old School Wrestling with your cart full of tonics and elixirs, Kpavio. For as long as you have existed, you have sold the pretense that you are some sort of hero. You have sold the idea that you were the savior we all so desperately needed. And many before me have ate it up. Many before me were not able to see that your products were fraudulent, Kpavio. But I’m not buying what you’re selling

Because you see, beyond all of the theatrics, you and I are just alike Kpavio. In a sense, you have professed to be the long arm of the law. You have professed to be the one that will bring justice to Arcadia, when in fact, you are just as sickening as me. You aren’t interested in building Arcadia up for the better, but rather burning it right to the ground. You have come to prosecute me and to make me answer for the horrible things I’ve done in my life. When in actuality, Kpavio, your bloodlust is just as insatiable as mine. You are just as evil as me! 

At Clash, I am going to destroy your establishment from the ground up. I am going to demolish every false front and every dissimulation you have ever created, Kpavio. You have been able to successfully pull the wool over everyone else’s eyes. You may have been able to sell your fraudulent products to others, but you can’t sell them to me. Because I see you for what you are, Kpavio. And come Monday, I am going to render you irrelevant!

It’s hunting season!