“You may not want to do it, but you will do it. It’s for your own good.” Flashback. The Slums. Tombstone finds a man slumped against a brick wall; his …
The Rigged Game of Life
In a saloon in the slums, a man sits tossing a coin. The hand he’d been dealt is useless and he’s out of coin. He tosses the coin into the …
“If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful?” “For longer than you can possibly remember, you’ve been struck by arrows, CJ. The first struck you when you …
The Boat
“You cannot be a Ferryman without a boat.” Tombstone stands upon the sandy shore, a red sky flickering above his head. He has an axe in one hand, and stands …
The Seeker
Tombstone walks through a darkened room inside The Mortuary. There’re only candles to light small corners of the large house. The atmosphere is akin to Escape The Mortuary. There’s a …
The Dancing Flame
The Crematorium is not a room oft seen in the bowels of The Mortuary. Tombstone’s presence in it, less so. “When I was a mere mortal, this is how I …
The Morgue is a cold and unforgiving place. Tombstone lays down on his back, confined by steel. “In a tight and confined space, some people find themselves afraid.” He tries …
The Mortuary is dark, and the rain pours heavily from above. The sound of dirt shucking back and forth is our only solace from the terrifying state of darkness that …
The Fall Guy
A crowd is gathered in The Slums. A man hangs from the edge of a high rise building, holding on for dear life. Tombstone soon appears in the crowd, watching …
Panacea for the Poison
Then. Illumination Antiques burns to a crisp before him, Tombstone allows himself a smile. Smouldering. Steam pours from the skin like rats from a sinking ship. My burnt and soured …