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The Traitor Among Us

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

I have been down in the darkest corners of Arcadia before, forced to nearly break my back to help things run smoothly for people in upper levels. I’ll never forget …

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Turn The Page

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Inside a dark room, we see Colt Ramsey staring at a wall filled with pictures, a look of misery on his face. “I’ve spent so much of my life documenting …

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The Lamb, Grown.

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

What makes a lamb, my brethren? We have heard stories told of the care with which we are to take toward such creatures, but let us understand the reason why. …

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Open Thy Heart

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Far from the warm embrace of his brethren, Colt Ramsey finds himself coming to inside a cabin. He looks around, assessing his situation before his eyes focus on the cabin’s …

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Feeding Frenzy

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

There are some very fascinating creatures in Arcadia, brethren. Those who travel in packs, roaming certain levels in the search for their next meal. They coordinate very well, communicating between …

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In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Brethren, let me tell you about a simpler time in life. Think back to your childhood for a moment, a trip through the amusement district of Arcadia that takes you …

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Baptism [Part II]

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

[Pastor Ramsey steps onto the stage now, a big grin on his face as the people of Zion cheer him on.] “I tell you the truth, brethren…I have seen the …

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Breaking the Cycle.

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Brethren, let me tell you the true terror of war. Tales have been told of men gathered with one intention among them…to conquer their enemy. Together, they make their way …

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The Well

In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Brethren, let me tell you a tale about the boy and the well. There was once a great and mighty well that provided fresh, clean water for the people. The …