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Painting Over the Past

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

At Olympus, Harold Attano is walking the NXT Level Arena.  He’s a man at the tipping point restraining himself from a mental break, Hera’s attempting to pass off inmates as …

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Ceyx in Church

In Promo by Ceyx Sovereign

[The First Church of Zion.] [Ceyx walks unaccompanied through the first church, edging closer towards the backstage of it all.] [He steps behind the curtain.] “Fuck me.” [There’s white powder …

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Tempered Wisdom

In Albert Lamplight, Promo by Albert Lamplight

“Today, I am a fortunate man.” [Albert sits in front of workbench in the basement level of Illumination Antiques.] [With a pair of glasses covering his eyes, and a headlamp on, he’s …

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21 Guns

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Funerals are an orchestra.” “A cacophony of grief and despair as loved ones gather around to remember the life of the fallen. Wails and sobs filling the air, drumming against …

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At Death’s Doorstep

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

[edgtf_highlight background_color=”” color=””]P[/edgtf_highlight]urgatory is no place for a Ferryman. It’s a colorless emotionless void. “Dead, then?” A recognisable voice. The colorless void remains but two chairs now appear. Tombstone finds …

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Meat Shepherd

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

[The First Church of Zion] [An eager audience sits in the palm of Lionel Troy’s hand.] “Everyone take a look at this here passage in the Zionic Texts. Book of …

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Crystal Clear Freedom

In Promo by The Red Falcon

Just for a second, take a deep breathe and suck in the air around you. Do you smell the thick stench of blood and smoke clinging through the reckless abuse …

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A Compass, But Not Yours

In Luther Grim, Promo by Luther Grim

There was once a man lost in The Groves, shrouded in an endless maze of foliage. His compass, his anchor, was missing, leaving him adrift in a sea of towering pines. Every tree …