Medication of Destiny

In Promo by Kpavio

We all feel pain, be it one way or another. Some of us, we suffer in silence in the shadows, hidden away from the world like a deep dark secret …

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In Drexl, Promo by Drexl

When a man stands at his easel, a brush of finery clasped between his thumb and finger, it is with self-appointed design and purpose that he purports to indent his …

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In Promo, The Burned Man by The Burned Man

“Arcadian folklore speaks of a set of armor that was supposed to protect the wearer from all sorts of potential damage.” “It was said to be a mixture of steel, …

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In Colt Ramsey, Promo by Colt Ramsey

Fashion is a tricky, fickle thing to understand. Every trend in Arcadia has run through five stages, being introduced to the people before making a rise and hitting its peak. …

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Spring Clean

In Promo, Vision by Vision

I see a room. A dwelling. Once upon a time, the room was ordered. Meticulous, everything in its place and filed accordingly. Over time, the clutter began to mount. Then, …

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Art Gallery

In Drewitt, Promo by Drewitt

A blank canvas is nothin’ but boundless potential, and a piece of art is just the limit we place on that canvas. Art has always been subjective, because it’s hard …

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In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

“I’ve seen you both.” “I’ve watched the way you look at her. I’ve seen you idolise and lust after her.” “I looked into your eyes at Dead or Alive and …

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Circle of Life.

In Damien Wolfe, Promo by Damien Wolfe

Watching the wildlife of Arcadia has always been a hobby of mine.  It’s lead to some interesting sights.  It was over the course of a few weeks that I actually …