
In Promo by Luke Storm

I’d been all around Hollywood in the early 10’s. People knew who I was, and they knew what I was about. All thanks to my Agent. When I signed on …

Monster Battle

In Promo by Kaine Knightlord

It’s like a wise man once said: “Battle not with monsters, unless you become a monster”. I’ve lost track of how many people I’ve killed over the years. When I …

Pest Control

In Promo by Simon

Rats are a nasty business. They’ll do whatever it takes to survive, taking up habitation within and near large groups of humans. Preying upon their resources. Bringing a litany of …

Attention Whore

In Promo by Ether

“I knew a girl in high school that had to steal the spotlight wherever she went.” “If the focus wasn’t on her, she stole your attention from whatever you were …


In Promo by Tag

“Back in school I knew this guy who was a total big shot.” “At least he liked to think he was.” “Talking with the hottest chicks.” “High fiving the coolest …

Hunting Hound

In Promo by Sigil

“A man once had a hunting dog who was loyal to its core.” “No matter how long he was kept in his cage, no matter how hard his owner hit …

Smartest Man…

In Promo by The Impaler

There is always that one person who believes that they are the smartest man in the room.  It was winter, nineteen twenty-four we were “working the docks” of New York …


In Promo by Sir Gable

Imagine your favorite coat, it has gotten you through every frigid day for years. You and that simple piece of attire have become so intertwined that you’re almost unrecognizable without …

The Finishing Line.

In Promo by SeeSaw

Would you be able to sit back in your chair as our world went up in flames and find content in the things that you did up to this final …

The Eternal Antagonist

In Promo by The Dead

Life is a war. Every day is a series of battles, a procession of conflicts that we attempt to resolve through whatever means necessary. The imposition of will upon another, …